Hi there! Thank you for purchasing our Ultimate Paint Pouring Pack! You’ll learn the basics of paint pouring and how to use the tools from this pack with our easy-to-follow video tutorials.
Go at your own pace… pause, stop and rewind. Come back to it the next day.
When you’re a beginner, it takes a lot of patience and plenty of practice to become confident with each technique. I know there are thousands of videos out there telling you various ways to pour, various recipes and paint brands to use etc. It can get very confusing for newbies. It was for me when I first started.
That’s why I’ve put together this ultimate pack to help get you started. I’ll teach you the same techniques, tips and tricks I do to hundreds of people that attend my Fluid Art Workshops. If you’re ever able to attend a class, I highly recommend them!
If you have any questions after watching the tutorials, feel free to contact us. Happy pouring!
Art, Teacher & Fluid Art Suppliers Founder
If you’d love to keep learning, head on over to Free In Spirit Creative’s website.