EPOXYCAST is a two-part, clear epoxy resin system specifically designed for the casting of small to medium sized items. It allows for batches of approximately 5-10L to be mixed and poured into sections up to 30mm thick.
Recommended for: Small-Medium Homewares, Jewellery, Knife handles & smaller timber projects, Electrical potting
Potlife & Demould: 200gm mass @ 23*C 40 mins/24hours
Hardness & Type: Shore 80-82D
Product Highlights
- Contains anti-yellowing additives
- Displays excellent adhesion to other substrates and cohesion on multiple layers
- Good fluidity and de-airing properties
- FDA Approved and Non-Dangerous Goods for transport
- Easily tinted with a vast range of compatible colourants
- Low exotherm resulting in low shrinkage
- Convenient 2:1 ratio by Volume
- Fantastic clarity and visually water white
**Message from FAS: Resin is not recommended for pregnant women or those with respiratory issues due to the chemicals. Always read the Safety Data Sheet before you begin your project and always use proper Personal Protection Equipment.
Please note: All Resin products incur a “hazardous material” shipping fee.